A Performance in regard to one of "the Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity" from WAYANG INDONESIA - International Recognition by UNESCO
Gedung Kesenian Jakarta, 8 April 2010 Mulai Jam: 19:30
Organized by Yayasan Kusuma Budaya & Gelar
Video from My Facebook
Tunggarana, a small region on the border of country Trajutrisna and Pringgandani was in turbulence because each country was to claim the existence of Tunggarana as its own region. Disputes involving widespread until achieving the leader, the leader Gatotkaca from Pringgandani and Boma from Trajutrisna. Gatutkaca supported by the Pandawa and their families while Trajutrisna supported by Yadawa and Mandura Family. Finally it was decided to determine the victory by exercising a duel. Duel eventually won by BOMA. But the Pandawa immediately to lobby the King Kresna, Boma's Father, so through some considerations though Gatotkaca defeated by Boma but Tunggarana must submit to the Pringgandani. Boma of course was to be disappointed.
Tim Kreatif
Sutradara/Komposer: Blacius Subono. Koreografer: Wasi Bantolo. Co-Kreografer: Hery Suwanto. Penasehat Koreografi: Elly D. Luthan. Ide Cerita: Bram Kushardjanto. Penulis Naskah: Nanang Hape. Penata Panggung: Supriyadi. Assisten Penata Panggung: Dede Setiadi. Penata Busana: Hartoyo. Assisten Penata BusanaL Aji Sri Hanggoro, Dwi Maryani, Dewi Kristianti. Penata Rias: Sukirman. Penata Visual: Kumoratih Kushardjanto. Stage Crew: Team GKJ
BOMA, Aris Murtono, S.Sn; GATOTKACA, Agung Kusumo, S.Sn; KRESNA , Agus Prasetyo, S.Sn; BIMA, Nanang Ruswandi; HARJUNA, Teguh Ampiranto
Wadya Trajutrisna:
Danang Cahyo, Prasetyo Sampurno, Anggono Kusumo, S.Sn, Hery Suwanto, S.Sn
Wadya Pringgandani
Mahesa Tanjung Seto, S.Sn, Teguh Ampiranto, Nanang Ruswandi, Dona Dhian Ginanjar
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