To work in an artistic atmosphere is in fact a kind of production activity which is the same as other forms of works. Only the product that is produced is a work of art which has a different appreciation value. Therefore, there is the same challenge in the productivity for people who work in the field of art as those who work in other professions.
Art, the artists and supporting community form a triangular chain that determine the development of the life of the art itself. Therefore, in the competitive era at present, to be able to guard the existence of art, the main performers of art, i.e. the actors and actresses are challenged not only to be productive but also must be able to manage and “to market extensively” the products of their art to the relevant community.
The expertise to manage basic materials and make it into a beautiful form of the art of performing, touching the heart and able to be enjoyed by all layers of the community without considering the background of the culture, has been one of the keys of success of the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah Pelangi Nusantara Cultural Team.

During its one month mission to the Indonesia-Japan Friendship Festival in late 1997, to be exact in the month of October, the Pelangi Nusantara Team has obtained an extraordinary response from the Japanese community. At its peak, the success of this mission has led the leader of the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah Pelangi Nusantara Cultural Team, Mrs. Sarasmani Sampurno, to receive an international award. THE SOKA GAKAI INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND CULTURE AWARD was given by SOKA GAKAI INTERNATIONAL (SGI), a Japanese Private Institution for peace and culture, to Mrs. Sarasmani Sampurno, in recognition of her standing valuable contribution to the creation of a more peaceful world by bringing countries together in friendship through the cultural medium of dance. This award was signed by Mr. Daisaku Ikeda, President Soka Gakai International and Mr. Einosuke Akiya, President Soka Gakai Japan.
Similar award have also been given to among others: General Andres Rodrigues (President of Paraguay); Dr. Carlos M. Clerc (President, International University of Lomas de Zamora), Dr. Emerlinda R Roman (President, University of the Philippines); Dr. Ana Milena Munoz Gaviria (First Lady of the Colombian President); Dr. Howard Eugene Hunt (Professor, Tufts University) and Mr. Vasant Sathe (President, India Council of Cultural Relations).
The cultural mission that was performed in 16 cities in Southern Japan received a warm reception from the Japanese Community one can be very proud of. The performance was carried out in a building with a capacity of 1.000 to 2.5000 seats, of which the greater part was fully occupied. To watch this performance each spectator must buy a ticket of 4,000 to 4,500 Yen. In fact this is not so surprising because the potency and quality as owned by The Pelangi Nusantara Team is of high quality. Not only foreign missions, but also various tasks at home have been carried out seriously by this team. Performance at the Presidential Palace, and cultural missions to the regions from time to time are part of the agenda and activities.
This expression that has been quoted from a poet on this country has a wide meaning. As a choice of life, working in the field of art has more power and love which in the end will result in satisfaction and to produce a beauty culture cause towards the world of peace, as a destination of culture works. It is the deep love and commitment towards art, especially the art of dancing and music. That is the main reasons why a number of prominent actors and actresses be united in the Pelangi Nusantara Cultural Team. Because of their divine called.
Pelangi Nusantara is not a place to learn an art, but more like a vehicle to apply an art in teamwork. The approach is more application. The members who have a varied background of work, education, and profession, work in solid team, undergo severe discipline and training, create and develop their creativity, talent, and ability in the art dedication. In fact, each member has a skill in a quality mastered, at least, an artist masters a number of dances from four different regions of Indonesia.< Through the Pelangi Nusantara, various cultural information are disseminated to all corners of the world, however, up to now, particularly traditional arts, including the art of stage performing, is still considered as a tertiary need and an inferior perception by public. Pelangi Nusantara is able to present an art work to inspire which is also interesting to be enjoyed and further researched. With a professional management Pelangi Nusantara is able to respond an art called from the international society to perform professionally. Pelangi Nusantara offers a diplomacy culture to contribute a peace and beauty at one blast according to their divine cultural assignment for the world. Art, the artists and supporting community form a triangular chain that determine the development of the life of the art itself. Therefore, in the competitive era at present, to be able to guard the existence of art, the main performers of art, i.e. the actors and actresses are challenged not only to be productive but also must be able to manage and “to market extensively” the products of their art to the relevant community. The expertise to manage basic materials and make it into a beautiful form of the art of performing, touching the heart and able to be enjoyed by all layers of the community without considering the background of the culture, has been one of the keys of success of the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah Pelangi Nusantara Cultural Team. Since 1988, starting with the Brisbane 88 Expo until the end of 1997, 27 cultural missions by this team have been sent to various countries in the four continent. Activities abroad, among others, have included joining events in Japan, Australia, and South Korea. They have also played in tourism mission to Netherland, Hong Kong, America, and Taiwan; joined the dance festival in Thailand, RRC and South Korea; also played a role in a trade mission to Switzerland and Japan, performed in a state event at Brunei Darussalam; played a role in Cultural Diplomacy to Latin America; and performed in an investment mission to Switzerland. As cultural ambassadors of the people of Indonesia Pelangi Nusantara in each of its performance is able to invite sounds of admiration of the other nations abroad.
During its one month mission to the Indonesia-Japan Friendship Festival in late 1997, to be exact in the month of October, the Pelangi Nusantara Team has obtained an extraordinary response from the Japanese community. At its peak, the success of this mission has led the leader of the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah Pelangi Nusantara Cultural Team, Mrs. Sarasmani Sampurno, to receive an international award. THE SOKA GAKAI INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND CULTURE AWARD was given by SOKA GAKAI INTERNATIONAL (SGI), a Japanese Private Institution for peace and culture, to Mrs. Sarasmani Sampurno, in recognition of her standing valuable contribution to the creation of a more peaceful world by bringing countries together in friendship through the cultural medium of dance. This award was signed by Mr. Daisaku Ikeda, President Soka Gakai International and Mr. Einosuke Akiya, President Soka Gakai Japan.
Similar award have also been given to among others: General Andres Rodrigues (President of Paraguay); Dr. Carlos M. Clerc (President, International University of Lomas de Zamora), Dr. Emerlinda R Roman (President, University of the Philippines); Dr. Ana Milena Munoz Gaviria (First Lady of the Colombian President); Dr. Howard Eugene Hunt (Professor, Tufts University) and Mr. Vasant Sathe (President, India Council of Cultural Relations).
The cultural mission that was performed in 16 cities in Southern Japan received a warm reception from the Japanese Community one can be very proud of. The performance was carried out in a building with a capacity of 1.000 to 2.5000 seats, of which the greater part was fully occupied. To watch this performance each spectator must buy a ticket of 4,000 to 4,500 Yen. In fact this is not so surprising because the potency and quality as owned by The Pelangi Nusantara Team is of high quality. Not only foreign missions, but also various tasks at home have been carried out seriously by this team. Performance at the Presidential Palace, and cultural missions to the regions from time to time are part of the agenda and activities.
To become an artist is a choice of life; so, there will never be a term “forced” to become an artist. An Artis is a beauty divine creature, be assigned to serving the world within a long period dedication. They do work hard without self interest, on the contrary, their focus mission is to enhance the beauty-peace-being of the world ( in Javanese terms be said, mamayu hayuning bawana).
This expression that has been quoted from a poet on this country has a wide meaning. As a choice of life, working in the field of art has more power and love which in the end will result in satisfaction and to produce a beauty culture cause towards the world of peace, as a destination of culture works. It is the deep love and commitment towards art, especially the art of dancing and music. That is the main reasons why a number of prominent actors and actresses be united in the Pelangi Nusantara Cultural Team. Because of their divine called.
Pelangi Nusantara is not a place to learn an art, but more like a vehicle to apply an art in teamwork. The approach is more application. The members who have a varied background of work, education, and profession, work in solid team, undergo severe discipline and training, create and develop their creativity, talent, and ability in the art dedication. In fact, each member has a skill in a quality mastered, at least, an artist masters a number of dances from four different regions of Indonesia.
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