from kidnaped Shinta to Hanoman the envoy
Presented by Pelangi Nusantara
Victoria Theatre Singapore
27 -28 Mei 1991

At in the right time, Hanoman approached coming closed to Shinta. He reported
his mission that was given to him, included, his mission to check her ring finger. Shinta put Sri Rama given ring to her finger, then she showed to Hanoman. She proved that she was still in purity, and this event was also to be eye witness by Hanoman. Unfortunately, his mission did not include taking along back Shinta to Sri Rama. By the end of that session, Hanoman convinced her that he would report the truth to Sri Rama after accomplishing his mission.
Henceforth, Hanoman was to pleased Shinta, Trijata and their waitress to go inside to their palace because he planned to shatter, crush and destroy Taman Soka. His purpose was to attract Rahwana. His second mission was to met Rahwana to address Rama message. After destroying Taman Soka and killed some giant guard there, Hanoman made himself deliberately to be capture by Indrajit, Prince of Alengka Direja. Indrajit by himself brought Hanoman in iron handcuff to facing Rahwana. In front of Rahwana, Hanoman addressed Rama message. Hanoman represented Sri Rama, insisted Rahwana to asking for Shinta back. Kumbakarna and Wibisana persuaded Rahwana in order to comply with Rama’s demanding. On the contrary, Rahwana rejected, furthermore it was the worst, he ordered to burn down Hanoman, life incinerating, as a symbol that he challenged Sri Rama. Rahwana chased away Wibisana from Alengka Direja because Wibisana did not support him. Not Kumbakarna. Rahwana still needed Kumbakarna to fight Gua Kiskenda force.

They started to setting on fire to Hanoman. Yet, they underestimated him. He was more powerful than every people in Alengka Direja except Rahwana and Kumbakarna. Hanoman was a disciple of a god of wind (Dewa Bayu) with the best achievements. He is a son of Guru. So, with no difficulty, Hanoman handled that fire, made the fire spread widely to burn all capital city of Alengka Direja.

Sri Rama: Sulistio Tirtokusumo
Laksmana: Wisnu
Shinta: Henny
Trijata: Poppy
Rahwana: Sunarno (STSI)
Kumbakarno: Yudho Wiratmo
Sarpekenaka: Tika
Wibisana: Slamet Harjono
Indrajit: Supriyadi
Jatayu: Yudho Wiratmo
Kijang Kencana: Imelda
Subali: Muljadi
Sugriwa: Ismuni
Hanoman: Prasetyo Sampurno
Artis Pelangi Nusantara & Children, Teenagers from Indonesian
Embassy office in Singapore & Students Indonesia in Singapore.
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from kidnaped Shinta to Hanoman the envoy
Presented by Pelangi Nusantara
Victoria Theatre Singapore
27 -28 Mei 1991

Sarpakenakawas watching Laksamana at a jungle, it was named Dandaka, with flesh passions and desires while at the same time Laksamana was doing meditation, mortifying the flesh. On eventually, Sarpakenaka was given a loose to, she seduced Laksamana. Of course, Laksamana rejected her. But she never gave up to insist him. It was therefore Laksamana was so angry, to be out of control of himself, intuitively, he cut her nose.
Sarpakenaka did not anticipate. She was so angry much, it was a reason, together with her Alengka Direja small troops that was led by Kalamarica (Cakil), to attacked with full intention to kill Laksamana. However, they did not succeed. Laksamana was more powerfull, who was to force them back to Alengka Direja.

Sarpakenaka reported an insulting she had received to her brother Rahwana, King of Alengka Direja. Sarpakenaka had succeeded in convincing Rahwana. In result, Rahwana was to decide making a revenge for his sister. After that, accompanied by Kalamarica (Cakil), Rahwana went to Dandaka.

At arrival, Rahwana was to keep an enough close watch on Laksamana from his hidden place, when Laksamana was to discuss his terrible incident in his previous meditation to his brother Rama and his wife Shinta.
From his hidden place, Rahwana was so surprised when he saw Shinta. In his opinion, she was the most beautiful lady that he ever saw. Shinta was to influence his mind, and changing his intention. He was about to forget a revenge. Instead of, Rahwana and Kalamarica set up a kidnapping plan for Shinta.
A plan was applied, Kalamarica changed himself as an attractive golden deer in which purposing to attracted Shinta. His effort was success. Shinta was to beg to Rama, be anxious for to have that golden deer. Rama could not refuse her desire. Shinta was to insisted to hunt that golden deer. In Hunting, unconsciously he mislead his way, more separated distantly from Laksamana and Shinta. That situation brought to her senses to be worried, so that she asked Laksamana to look for Rama. Laksamana agreed. Before departing Laksamana made a circle surrounding Shinta using his Keris Pusaka in order to protect her from evil that want to approach her. This particular circle was very effective that caused Rahwana could not pass through the circle.
So, Rahwana changed his tactic. He changed himself to be an old beggar. Shinta who was always care with every old man who needed help, could not control herself. Her right hand exceeded the circle, Shinta handed over a gift. That's why Rahwana succeeded to take her hand, then kidnapping was begun.
On the other side of Jungle, Laksamana was finally find Rama who was still fighting with Kalamarica after uncovering him from golden deer. Laksamana replaced quickly rama's position in order to sent Rama to be back to Shinta's position. Laksamana killed Kalamarica. But, Rama found his wife was missing. They were very sad and so regretful. They walked without knowing direction, to did endeavor to find Shinta.
On the air, Giant Eagle Bird Jatayu catched by surprise Rahwana who captured Shinta. Jatayu fighted to Rahwana, tried to release Shinta. However, Rahwana was more powerful, he defeated Jataju on the air. Jatayu falled down to the earth. Then Rahwana went forward his way to Alengka Direja. While Rama and Laksamana was looking for a track of Shinta, they met Jatayu in dying. Before death, Jatayu had a chance to talk an Alengka Direja direction to Sri Rama.

Hanoman (white monkey) son of Dewi Anjani, came and reported to Sri Rama & Laksamana . He needed help from Rama in regard to find a justice for his two uncles (Subali and Sugriwa). They were still in fighting, to snatched away Gua Kiskenda Kingdom and Dewi Tara the Queen. After conceiving Hanoman's appeal, Rama decided to apply sacred arrow called guwawijaya to find the truth and the false. In result, the sacred arrow founded that Subali was in the false, so it could not be avoided, the arrow killed him. Subali had mistaken, he was in provocation influencial by Rahwana as Subali's disciple, that was a bad reason, he intended to kill his brother sugriwa without mercy. After praying for the soul of Subali,
Sri Rama appointed Sugriwa becoming a King of Gua Kiskenda and Dewi Tara as his Queen.

At that time, Sri Rama called Hanoman. He appointed Hanoman as the envoy, with a mission to observe the strength of Alengka Direja. At the same time he ordered Hanoman to find Dewi Shinta. He instructed Hanoman to give a ring to her, and to watched wheather this ring was still fit into her finger. It could reveal the purity of Dewi Shinta. Sri Rama planned to attack Alengka Direja with full force assisted by Gua Kiskenda power. Rama committed to destroy every evil of Rahwana. Sri Rama had a clear picture how dangerous of evil Rahwana in the earth. Prior to this, he conveyed Hanoman to Alengka Direja.
The first arrival of Hanoman was at Taman Soka, the beautiful garden, special place provided by Rahwana to Shinta. From his hidding place, Hanoman was watching how Rahwana tried without boring to propose Shinta becoming his wife. But Shinta rejected all the time. He was watching how Trijata (daughter of Wibisana – niece of Rahwana) to protected Shinta. Rahwana was almost to kill Trijata because he was always to blocked Rahwana in order to made Rahwana staying away from Shinta.

Henceforth, Hanoman was to pleased Shinta, Trijata and their waitress to go inside to their palace because he planned to shatter, crush and destroy Taman Soka. His purpose was to attract Rahwana. His second mission was to met Rahwana to address Rama message. After destroying Taman Soka and killed some giant guard there, Hanoman made himself deliberately to be capture by Indrajit, Prince of Alengka Direja. Indrajit by himself brought Hanoman in iron handcuff to facing Rahwana. In front of Rahwana, Hanoman addressed Rama message. Hanoman represented Sri Rama, insisted Rahwana to asking for Shinta back. Kumbakarna and Wibisana persuaded Rahwana in order to comply with Rama’s demanding. On the contrary, Rahwana rejected, furthermore it was the worst, he ordered to burn down Hanoman, life incinerating, as a symbol that he challenged Sri Rama. Rahwana chased away Wibisana from Alengka Direja because Wibisana did not support him. Not Kumbakarna. Rahwana still needed Kumbakarna to fight Gua Kiskenda force.

Fire followed Hanoman’s instruction. It was only Shinta palace and Wibisana's were untouched by fire. After watching destroying Alengka Direja caused by himself, Hanoman departed flying from Alengka Direja, went back to Gua Kiskenda, he was impatient to wish arriving immediately giving a report to Rama.

Mr. Fuad Hasan ( Minister Education & Culture Republic Indonesia)
Mr. Tuk Setyohadi (Ambassador Republic Indonesia for Singapore)
Mr. Sampurno (General Manager TMII & Chief of The Presidential Household RI)
Ibu Tati Darsojo
Bambang Adjie Soerjosoebandoro & Indonesian Business Society in Singapore
Koreografer: Sarasmani Sampurno; Dancing Composer: Elly Luthan; Javanese Music (Karawitan) Composer: S. Bono
Mr. Tuk Setyohadi (Ambassador Republic Indonesia for Singapore)
Mr. Sampurno (General Manager TMII & Chief of The Presidential Household RI)
Ibu Tati Darsojo
Bambang Adjie Soerjosoebandoro & Indonesian Business Society in Singapore
Koreografer: Sarasmani Sampurno; Dancing Composer: Elly Luthan; Javanese Music (Karawitan) Composer: S. Bono
The President of Singapore
The Culture Minster of Singapore
Some Cultural Attache in Singapore
Indonesia and Singapore business society
Art loving guests
The Culture Minster of Singapore
Some Cultural Attache in Singapore
Indonesia and Singapore business society
Art loving guests
Sri Rama: Sulistio Tirtokusumo
Laksmana: Wisnu
Shinta: Henny
Trijata: Poppy
Rahwana: Sunarno (STSI)
Kumbakarno: Yudho Wiratmo
Sarpekenaka: Tika
Wibisana: Slamet Harjono
Indrajit: Supriyadi
Jatayu: Yudho Wiratmo
Kijang Kencana: Imelda
Subali: Muljadi
Sugriwa: Ismuni
Hanoman: Prasetyo Sampurno
Artis Pelangi Nusantara & Children, Teenagers from Indonesian
Embassy office in Singapore & Students Indonesia in Singapore.